Same Day Appointments Specialist

Mahyar Eidgah, MD
Family Medicine & Primary Care Physician located in East Village, New York, NY
Dr. Eidgah is first compassionate and second a doctor treating patients from throughout New York. He understands what it feels like to be sick. That is one of the many reasons he offers sick visit appointments and same day visits at his conveniently located practice in the East Village. Dr. Eidgah sees patients from around the surrounding area including Union Square and Downtown New York.
Same Day Appointments
What Are Sick Visits?
Sick visits are same day appointments for people who are sick. You woke up with a sore throat. You have had a fever for more than 24 hours. You have pain. You have an injury. Sick visits are a continuity of care tool that allows people to be seen by their primary care doctor without going to an urgent care or emergency room. The advantage of a sick visit is that you get the same quality care that you have come to know and rely on. After all, who knows you best? Dr. Eidgah is focused on providing entire family medical care, especially when you are not feeling well.
Is There a Higher Deductible for a Sick Visit?
Usually, the deductible remains the same. However, that is decided by your insurance company. Some health plans treat sick visit appointments as they would any other appointment - as normal care. Other insurance companies make the patient pay a higher co-payment for sick visits. Most insurance companies view sick visits as something different from an urgent care or emergency visit, so your co-pay is not as high as either of those appointment types. We are always happy to answer your questions so if you are concerned about your co-pay, just call us.
What Should I Expect From a Sick Visit?
There are two basic types of "regular" visits. Those are sick visits and preventative visits. Both might be complex, but a preventative care visit is usually more extensive as they involve more body systems, labs, and a deeper interview. Whereas, a sick visit focuses on what your current symptoms are and how to treat them. For example, if you have the flu and make a sick visit, Dr. Eidgah is going to focus on your flu-like symptoms and offer advice for the relief of those symptoms. However, if you think you have high cholesterol, then Dr. Eidgah is going to talk to you about your diet, exercise routine, order lab work, prescribe medication, exercise, and maybe put you on a diet.